Welcome to digithaiz
Domain and/or hosting package for private users and small business start ups - WordPress websites , email hosting all included and you get webmaster support when you need it just select the service and book when you need assistance and we will help right away. Contact us for specifics as we can tailor anything to your needs. This package is fine for most.
For added services - watch our shop or contact us for development.
Pricing for current members is 6 TKN / year for basic hosting, Basic SSL, Unlimited Email addresses
MAC systems PC systems smartPHONE Tablet SERVICing UPGRADES cctv systems software Websites Hosting Security Support ANdroid Email Smart tech Audio Drones Data recovery
Apple Mac, Smartphone, Personal Computer, Gaming, BIOS RECOVERY/PROGRAMMING, Data Recovery, Tablet, Laptop, Electronics Repair, New/Used Sales, Security, Networking, Software Help, Water-damage, Unlocking, Web-design, Hosting, Remote Support, Design, Business to Business Support
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